Errors After Bankruptcy

About 50% of our post-bankruptcy clients have an error on their credit report and with these errors, your credit score will not improve.  Here is how we can help you fix it:
Step 1:  Order Your Score
In our 7 Steps program we discuss ordering a FICO score, however, since we are not looking for a credit score, this is the best report for identifying post-bankruptcy errors.  The best report for this, is the government created website.
When you get there, they are going to attempt to sell you your credit scores; save your money.
You have three options to get these reports:
1)  Online at  If you order them online, download them into a PDF to save them on your computer.
2)  Call them at the numbers below, and they will mail them to you.

  • Experian: (888) 397-3742
  • Transunion: (800) 888-4213
  • Equifax: (800) 685-1111

3)  Mail in your order, you can download the order form here:
Step 2: Review For Errors
Once you get your credit report, review them for these most common errors:
Bankruptcy Information:

  • Late payments that are showing after your bankruptcy filing date.
  • You are still getting collection calls and letters on debt that was included in your bankruptcy.
  • Your credit report still shows debt that was included in your bankruptcy, and not listed as “Discharged in Bankruptcy,” with a $0 balance.
  • Your credit report shows your spouse’s bankruptcy, when they didn’t file.
  • Your credit report shows that you filed a bankruptcy, but does not show what kind (Chapter 7 or 13).
  • Your credit report shows a bankruptcy that was filed over 10 years ago.

Personal Information:

  • Your credit report shows a wrong social security number, date of birth, address, or an alias.
  • Your credit report is listing you as married, when you are not.


  • Late payments that shouldn’t be there, or are reporting the wrong date.
  • Car loan that shows “repossessed” when you returned the vehicle voluntarily.
  • Account that does not belong to you.
  • Account that was charged off, but is being reported as open.


  • Someone pulled your credit when you have no relationship with them.

These are all illegal under our nations credit laws, and if any of these are happening, you can get these removed from your credit report for free.
When you get your credit report, review for each of these, and when you find one, simply email us at