Obtaining a Loan After Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be a staggering blow to your financial stability as well as your confidence, and you might think you will never qualify for a loan after bankruptcy.
Let’s start by talking about the bankruptcy facts. If you are like most people, you might feel hopeless and embarrassed. But declaring bankruptcy does not brand you a failure. Some prominent people who have filed for bankruptcy include Donald Trump, Walt Disney, and Henry Ford. As long as you dedicate yourself to fiscal restraint and learn about credit repair after bankruptcy, you can rehabilitate your credit score in a few years.
In fact, a careful campaign of credit improvement can even help you get a personal or business loan after bankruptcy in relatively short order. Follow the tips below and you will be well on way to obtaining a loan after bankruptcy.
Though a bankruptcy will severely damage your credit score, it also gives you a chance to rebuild your finances without looking over your shoulder and worrying about creditors. After filing for bankruptcy, your credit score will bottom out, and you will need to begin acquiring lines of credit and slowly improving your score. But first create a structured plan for recovery that allows you to work within your limits. Obtain a copy of your credit report and make sure all debts have been marked as “discharged through bankruptcy” and that all your accounts have a balance of zero.
Next, open new lines of credit so that you can demonstrate a newfound ability to responsibly manage your debt. Because credit-scoring bureaus place more weight on recent credit activities than your past history, your credit score will begin to rebound as creditors recognize a regular pattern of timely payments. Opening up lines of credit may be difficult at first, so you might need to use secured credit cards or become a credit card authorized user.
A secured credit card requires you to provide a cash deposit or access to a savings account as collateral for a new card. Secured credit cards frequently have high interest rates and low limits, but if you can create a history of responsible behavior, you’ll be able to transition to a regular card with corresponding benefit to credit score.
Another way to improve your credit score so that you can qualify for a loan after bankruptcy is to have a family member with good credit add you to an account as an authorized user In essence, you are borrowing this person’s good credit to improve your credit rating.
Soon after a bankruptcy, you will probably have to offer collateral to obtain a loan. If you have a car or a property, this could be enough to ensure a loan after bankruptcy. If you do obtain a loan without collateral, the odds are that interest rates will be relatively high. You can also accelerate your chances to secure a decent loan by making a sizable down payment. Like offering collateral, this offer will gain your valuable credibility and will help to reassure the lender that you will be able to carry through on your loan payments.
Though bankruptcies once prevented borrowers from receiving loans for 10 years, or the time it takes for a bankruptcy to be erased from your record, you may now be able to obtain a personal or business loan after bankruptcy within two years, providing you are assiduous in carefully building your credit. Be sure to create a plan for yourself and start a new, healthy pattern of promptly paying your debts on time by learning how to fix credit.