Tag: google plus

Google+, Better Social Media

Did you hear that Facebook’s rival is in town? As I’m sure some of you know, Google released a new social media site called Google+.
If you haven’t received an invitation to join Google+, please let me know! The site is invite- only… and it’s amazing! Where Facebook lacks,
Google+ takes off.
For instance …
1) Google+ is fertile ground for you to build your business (or promote your job skills). It’s really easy to stand out because, unlike Facebook,
there aren’t bunches of people competing in the
same space.
2) The folks at Google+ are ultra-sensitive about privacy issues, so they don’t capture the same personal information that Facebook does.
3) It’s really, really easy to separate friends, family, and co-workers, which means you can share photos and personal information with friends and family
members, but not the guy who sits in the cubicle down the hall!
Like I said, if you want an invitation, let me know. I look forward to connecting!
P.S. You’ll need a gmail account, which you can get at www.gmail.com. (It doesn’t cost anything.) Once you’ve established the gmail account, send me an email at Philip (at) 720CreditScore (dot) com and let me know that you want to be invited!